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Used Conveyor & Drive Technology

Conveyor and drive technology refers to the technology that moves materials, goods or commodities from one point to another and sets machines and equipment in motion. It includes the design, construction and application of systems such as conveyors, lifting and hoisting equipment, pumps and electric motors. These systems are used in a variety of industries and applications, including agriculture, manufacturing, mining, commerce, and others.

diaphragm pump Depa DL25-FA EEE P
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pressure blower 11 kW Piller 2 E 10 1800
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pressure blower 15 kW Piller 2 M 10 1800
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vacuum pump Flowserve LOHY 25007
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diaphragm pump Alfa Laval DL25-AA-EET-Q
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diaphragm pump Wilden Pump MI
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Gear motor 0.25 kW 17 rpm SEW-Eurodrive SA31 DTZ1D6
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Electric motor 1.1 kW 1415 rpm Elektrim SKG90L4PC T
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Gear motor 0.37 kW 94 rpm WEG ODGM 734
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slotted screen Edelstahl verschiedene Abmessungen
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V-belt pulley 4-groove Guss 260-4 (17 mm)
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V-belt pulley 6-groove Guss SPB 315 x 6  (17 mm)
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V-belt pulley 3-groove Guss SPA 355x3  (13 mm)
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