- The Used Machinery Market of IndustryArena
Choose a merchants tariff
You pay only for clicks
not for insertion of the ads
50% discount until 28 lut 2025
0,10 € / Click
instead of 0,20 € / Click
Monthly billing
(You set the budget)
Cancellable monthly
Tariff selected
Select tariff
Unlimited advertisements
Data import / interface possible
50% discount until 28 lut 2025
29,95 € / Month
instead of 59,90 € / Month
12 months term
(total price 359,40 Euro)4 weeks notice period
Tariff selected
Select tariff
Up to 100 advertisements
publish simultaneously
50% discount until 28 lut 2025
19,95 € / Month
instead of 39,90 € / Month
12 months term
(total price 239,40 Euro)4 weeks notice period
Tariff selected
Select tariff
Up to 50 advertisements
publish simultaneously
50% discount until 28 lut 2025
14,95 € / Month
instead of 29,90 € / Month
12 months term
(total price 179,40 Euro)4 weeks notice period
Tariff selected
Select tariff
Up to 5 advertisements
publish simultaneously
50% discount until 28 lut 2025
9,95 € / Month
instead of 19,90 € / Month
6 months term
(total price 119,40 Euro)4 weeks notice period
Tariff selected
Select tariff
Almost there! Leave your contact details to complete your order
Herewith we order the following binding tariff 

50% discount until 28 lut 2025
Product / Service
Monthly billing
You pay only for clicks
not for insertion of the ads
You pay only for clicks
not for insertion of the ads
0,10 €
Total net You set the budget
All prices are exclusive of VAT and are to be paid in advance. The contract period is automatically extended by the respective period indicated, if not cancelled in writing with a period of notice of 4 weeks (1 week for the TRIAL tariff) before expiry.
Herewith we order the following binding tariff 

50% discount until 28 lut 2025
Product / Service
12 months term
Unlimited advertisements
Data import / interface possible
Unlimited advertisements
Data import / interface possible
29,95 €
359,40 €
Total net 359,40 €
All prices are exclusive of VAT and are to be paid in advance. The contract period is automatically extended by the respective period indicated, if not cancelled in writing with a period of notice of 4 weeks (1 week for the TRIAL tariff) before expiry.
Herewith we order the following binding tariff 

50% discount until 28 lut 2025
Product / Service
12 months term
Up to 100 advertisements
publish simultaneously
Up to 100 advertisements
publish simultaneously
19,95 €
239,40 €
Total net 239,40 €
All prices are exclusive of VAT and are to be paid in advance. The contract period is automatically extended by the respective period indicated, if not cancelled in writing with a period of notice of 4 weeks (1 week for the TRIAL tariff) before expiry.
Herewith we order the following binding tariff 

50% discount until 28 lut 2025
Product / Service
12 months term
Up to 50 advertisements
publish simultaneously
Up to 50 advertisements
publish simultaneously
14,95 €
179,40 €
Total net 179,40 €
All prices are exclusive of VAT and are to be paid in advance. The contract period is automatically extended by the respective period indicated, if not cancelled in writing with a period of notice of 4 weeks (1 week for the TRIAL tariff) before expiry.
Herewith we order the following binding tariff 

50% discount until 28 lut 2025
Product / Service
6 months term
Up to 5 advertisements
publish simultaneously
Up to 5 advertisements
publish simultaneously
9,95 €
119,40 €
Total net 119,40 €
All prices are exclusive of VAT and are to be paid in advance. The contract period is automatically extended by the respective period indicated, if not cancelled in writing with a period of notice of 4 weeks (1 week for the TRIAL tariff) before expiry.